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Surgical lamp features

Publish Time: 2021-10-21     Origin: Site

Operating room lighting is the most important consideration for a good operating room. Nowadays, when surgeons perform operations, their requirements for lighting go far beyond simple lighting. These lights are not just light, they should also provide a great infrastructure that allows imaging and control of today and the future. It should provide a control system that can adjust multiple systems in the room, as well as a built-in video routing system to prepare for digital marketing. The lamps should not emit heat, so that the staff can work in a fully temperature-controlled environment. The operating room lighting manufacturer in Delhi is producing the best surgical lighting and related equipment to ensure the visibility of the operating room. In this article we will discuss about the surgical lights features.


The following knowledge points are listed below:

Ø What are surgical lights

Ø History of surgical lights

Ø Types of surgical lights

Ø Requirements of surgical lights

Ø Accessories of surgical lights

1. What are surgical lights

Surgical lights, also known as surgical lights or surgical lights, are mainly used in hospital operating rooms and outpatient surgery centers, but can also be used in various locations throughout the facility to provide high-quality lighting for operations. Such as emergency rooms, delivery rooms, examination rooms, and any place where procedures are completed. They are used by clinicians, surgeons, and programmers. The surgical lamp illuminates the surgical site of the patient to obtain the best visual effect during the operation. 1 The operating lamp can provide bright light for several hours without overheating the patient or staff. During surgery and surgery, there are a variety of lights that can meet the needs of providing the best visual effects. Use inspection lights during physical examinations and operating room lights during surgery.

2. History of surgical lights

Before electricity can make light bulbs illuminate the operating room, candles are used as a light source during surgery. In addition, the operation is performed during the day, so that the surgeon can take advantage of natural sunlight. 2 Since the first discovery of electricity in 1879, the currently recognized surgical lamp has been developed for more than a century. As surgical lamp manufacturers continue to strive to improve the lighting conditions for surgeons and/or staff.

3. Types of surgical lights

There are many types of surgical lights, and each type plays a special role in the lighting before, during, and after surgery. They can be classified by lamp type or installation configuration. The two lamp types are traditional (incandescent lamp) and LED (light emitting diode).

Surgical lighting configurations can include ceiling-mounted, wall-mounted or floor-mounted. Depending on the model, the operating light can also be used in all three configurations. 1 Ceiling-mounted lights can be installed on fixed points on the ceiling of the operating room. Similarly, wall-mounted lamps are installed on the wall of the operating room. Compared with surgical lights, wall-mounted configurations are more commonly used for examination lights. In order to improve mobility, floor-standing surgical lights are independent and are usually mounted on wheels so that they can be moved between rooms. Mobile floor lamps are often used for examinations. During the operation, these three types play an important role in illuminating the surgical site.

4. Requirements of surgical lights

The requirements for operating lights vary with the type, brand and model of the lighting system. The brightness of the surgical lamp holder is in lux, usually not more than 160,000 lux. The diameter of the lamp holder is about 400-700 mm and the weight is about 45 kg. The weight can vary depending on the number of optical heads connected to the system. The life of an operating lamp is measured by the L70 value, which refers to the duration of light before the brightness reaches 70% of its original value. Today's surgical lights usually last for 40,000 to 60,000 hours.

5. Accessories of surgical lights

The accessories of the surgical light can be used to supplement or add to the surgical light system after initial purchase and installation. Accessories can contain many different products, but some products can usually be obtained by purchasing a surgical lighting system. Key attributes may include (but are not limited to) the ability to add ambient light to the surgical light stand, the ability to add a separate camera for recording and/or teaching purposes, the ability to add a single or dual monitor stand, or the ability to add radiation shielding . Other accessories may include a sterile lamp handle cover, which can be used to maintain a sterile environment, and the surgeon can still control the function and position of the lamp handle, intensity, and spot size.


That’s all about the features of the surgical lights.


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