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What is an ECG machine used for?

Views: 0     Author: Poweam Medical     Publish Time: 2022-05-16      Origin: Site


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An electrocardiogram, also known as an electrocardiogram, 12-lead electrocardiogram, or EKG, is a non-invasive diagnostic test that evaluates your heart's electrical system to assess heart disease. It uses flat metal electrodes placed on the chest to detect the electric charge generated when the heart beats, and then draws it into a graph. Your doctor can analyze these patterns to better understand your heart rate and rhythm, identify certain types of structural heart disease, and evaluate heart efficiency. Let’s find more.

The following knowledge points are listed below:

  • The purpose of the ECG test

  • The condition of the ECG test

  • The limitation of the ECG test

1. The purpose of the ECG test

An electrocardiogram detects the electrical rhythm of your heart and produces so-called traces that look like peristaltic lines. This tracking consists of representations of several waves, which repeat 60 to 100 times per minute. The waveform should have a consistent shape. If your waveforms are inconsistent or they are not standard waves, it means you have a heart attack. There are various characteristic changes that occur in different heart problems. Your doctor can observe your ECG waveforms to see if they suggest certain types of heart disease.

Many doctors request an electrocardiogram as part of an annual physical exam to screen for heart disease. This may apply to you if:

l You have had heart disease before

l Your physical condition can easily lead to heart disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol or inflammatory diseases

l You have other important risk factors for heart disease

If you have signs or symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, dizziness, or fainting, an electrocardiogram can also be recommended. Similarly, if you have symptoms of a transient ischemic attack or stroke, such as vision changes, numbness, weakness, or communication problems, you may also need an electrocardiogram, because certain types of heart disease can cause a stroke

If you have heart disease, you may need to have regular electrocardiograms to assess whether your disease is getting worse and to monitor the effects of heart medications.

Any type of heart surgery, including pacemaker placement surgery, also requires an electrocardiogram. Before any surgical operation involving general anesthesia, a preoperative ECG is required, because heart disease increases the risk of adverse events from general anesthesia, and this helps the anesthesiologist plan anesthetic drugs and surgical monitoring.

2. The condition of the ECG test

For those who do not have risk factors for heart disease (such as high blood pressure) or symptoms of heart disease (such as chest pain), the test is not useful in routine examinations. However, many people without risk factors or symptoms have an ECG during routine examinations. There are better ways to prevent heart disease than conventional ECG. The ECG will not hurt you. However, it sometimes exhibits minor non-specific abnormalities. These abnormalities are not caused by underlying heart disease, but cause worries and lead to follow-up examinations and treatments that you do not need.

In some cases, it is important to do this test. If you have risk factors for an enlarged heart, such as high blood pressure or heart disease symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, or large heartbeat, you should have an electrocardiogram. You may need to undergo screening or occupationally required tests, or if you have a personal or family history of heart disease, diabetes, or other risks, you want to start exercising.ns.

3. The limitation of the ECG test

The electrocardiogram is one of the most commonly used medical examination methods because it can screen for various heart diseases. The machine is easily available in most medical facilities, and the test is simple, safe, and relatively cheap.

In other words, the ECG has its limitations:

l The electrocardiogram only displays the heart rate and heart rhythm within a few seconds of recording and tracking. If the arrhythmia (arrhythmia) occurs only intermittently, the ECG may not be detected and dynamic monitoring may be required.

l For many types of heart disease, such as coronary artery disease, the electrocardiogram is usually normal or nearly normal.

l Sometimes, an abnormality on the ECG has no medical significance after a thorough evaluation..

Poweam Medical offer single channel ECG machine, three channel ECG machine, six channel ECG and 12 channel ECG machine.

Below are some of ECG machines offered by poweam medical: 

ECG machine




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